New English Pokémon Names
JRBnewsNET is reporting that Jakks Pacific revealed many new Pokémon Toys, many of which contained many new English Pokémon names, at the 2007 Toy Fair in New York, which started yesterday and goes on until Wednesday.

These names include:
No. US Name Japanese Name
#387 Turtwig Naetoru
#390 Chimchar Hikozaru
#393 Pochama Pochama
#396 Starly Mukkuru
#401 Kricketot Koroboshi
#403 Spinx (Not 100% Confirmed) Korinku
#410 Shieldon Tatetopusu
#417 Pachirisu Pachirisu
#419 Floatzel Floatsel
#422 Snelios(Possibly Shelios) Karanakushi
#427 Buneary Mimiroru
#431 Glameow Nyaruma
#440 Happini Pinpuku
#453 Croalurk Gregguru
#455 Carnivine Masukippa
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