D/P Information
Well CoroCoro has revealed a boat load of new information including the starters as we described the other day:
* Naetoru or Naetle as you'll see elsewhere is the Grass Type Pokémon starter. With the Young Leaf Classification, It has the standard Overgrow ability. It has the attack Razor Leaf
* Hikozaru is the Fire Type Pokémon Starter. With a Young Ape Classification, it also has the standard Blaze ability. It knows the attack Ember
* Pocchama is the Water Type Pokémon Starter. With the Penguin Classification, it has the standard Torrent ability. It knows the attack Bubble
* Rozureido, the previously confirmed Roselia evolution has the classification of Bouquet Pokémon and has the Natural Cure & Poison Point abilities. It also knows Petal Dance
* Elekible or Elekiburu as you may see around is now confirmed to evolve from Electabuzz. It's classification is Thunder & Electricity Pokémon and it has a new ability, Electric Engine, which increases Elekible's speed in battle under certain circumstances. It knows a new attack called Giga Impact which does powerful damage.

* Mime Jr. is a Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon Diamond. It has the Soundproof and Filter abilities
* Bonsly is a Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon Pearl. It has the Rock Head & Sturdy abilities
* Lucario knows a new attack called Faint. It manages to attack the foe even if it has successfully used Protect or Detect
* Perap knows a new attack called Blabber. This attack confuses the foe. This attack also lets you record your voice so that that is played when Perap uses it
* Pachirisu knows the attack Spark
* Contests have returned to the game and are now called Super Contests. They are done in 3 rounds and still have the usual aspect from Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald:
* The first round of Contests is where you dress your Pokémon up using the Touch Pen and certain items that you have access to such as crowns. This is the Visual Judgement category
* The second round is called the Dance Judgement category. Your Pokémon joins in a dance routine and you get rated based on rhythm and co-ordination. It is unknown how this will physically work as of yet
* The final round is the same as last time, the Performence Judgement category. You use your Pokémon's attacks to create dazzling appeals and try to Jam the other participants
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