Journey Across America

So, today I went to Pokémon Journey Across America today in Boston. I had a great time there, let me tell you some things you might want to know about it, I'll start from the beginning.
I woke up around 8 this morning, which is incebivly early for me to be getting up. I grabbed my Eevee cinch sack and packed it. What I found nesecary to bring is the following: A Gameboy Advance or a Gameboy Advance SP. Nothing else will work. Although, you can download Pokémon Trozei Mini through DS Download play there. A cell phone. To stay in touch with home and also if there is anything cool for Pokémon Mobile, which isn't availabe on Verizon (go Cingular!). I brought Pokémon Emerald. My team was weak so I decides I needed Celebi and 4 of the top 20. You can bring Sapphire, Emerald, Leaf Green, Ruby, and FireRed all at one to get Pokémon. I brought a snack. Money. No explanation. Another person, in this case my dad, so he can drive me 2 hours to the South Shore Plaza.
You don't need to do anything on the car ride there, go to the bathroom at a rest stop and not at home. You'll have a tendancy to drink a lot of water when it is available next to you. Also you'll see why later on.
One you get there park. Duh. If it's hot out park in the shade or something, you'll be in there for a while, even if you plan to stay there 1 hour. We got there aroung 10:30.
Once we got there we knew the Celebi and top 20 character distrobution would be popular so we tried to go there first after a quick look-around. We were mis-informed and got in the trainer-certificate line instead. I swtill got one and it was nice, but you need to do that almost last.
We then headed in to the Celebi/20 lines. It was a 2 hour wait, but when the line splits and you have to choose; (if you want both but don't want to wait in line twice, here is a sraatige:)the person with the Gameboy needs to go in the Celebi line because it moves faster, your other party member should go in the top 20 download line, which moves slower. In line take some personal time. Clear 5 spots in your party so you can download the Pokémon with ease. Talk to people around you and even staff, the should be nice and firendly and great to talk to. Play you game, but stop when you get close because you don't want to have to forefit a battle if your called next. And finally, after 2 hours, you get your havd stamped to get Celebi. Upon you arrival after getting Celebi, go to your party mate and wait in line and pick the four Pokémon you want to download. Also there are three more things; form an alliance. We did this and it helped if people boss you around or try to cut you. Take pictures. In our mall the picture station was right next to the line, so jump out for a second and ask a staff member to take a picture of you, please. The third thing we didn't do and I ended up not getting my Munchlat hat. While you wait in the second line send your other team mate in the PokémonCenter line, yea, sadly, there is one, half-hour at the most. This is so the second you get your 4 Pokémon you can go to the PokémonCenter.
At the PokémonCenter all they have is PokéDolls, holders, hats cards, and play figurines (which I have not senn on Poké Also as your waithing in line, they only send a certain amount of people in at a time, but before you go in, every one in your party gets a free PokémonCenter NY pin. Also for sale they have Pokémon S2 cards, somewhere and $3 10anniv. pins. And also free Pikachu Promo card with fact sheet.
They also had a coloring station, yawn, and the Battle tounament as well as a card table, and a place to play XD, Emerald, and Trozei. I didn't do the battle tounament, but you got free shirts.
That is pretty much it, if I think of anything else, I'll post it. We ended up leaving at 4:11. Also here are some tips and pics:
Play your cards right at Pokémin Journey across America:
- Do what you want, you'll never see it again.
- Bring other people and do what I did above.
- Twords the end go to the place where they gave away the Pikachu promos and ask for a bunch, I got 50! one hour before it closed.
- Eat your snack, don't leave.
- You can't go anywhere in line.
- Talk to people.
- Ask mall information at the end of the show if you could take one of the poster they have around and say, "You can't use them again, they have the date on them." And they'll let you have one if no one sees you take it.
- If the line is long, go in it, they'll close it down 2-3 hours before the show is over to makesure everything ends at 5, you'll miss your chance.
- Have fun & relax. Everyone the likes Pokémon, so you don't have to be self-contous.
- If I foregot anything I'll edit this post.
Not much. refresh to see more, there are 22, I can't do the java one in post:
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