New CoroCoro scans have been released with new Pokemon Diamond and Pearl info. As D/P WILL be out late this year in Japan, it may reach the US in early to mid 2007 and UK/European shores mid to late 2007. We have the scans below, click the thumbnail image for a full size view.

Newly learned details and data follow..
Loads of info on D/P has been given in Coro Coro's June issue:
The release date of the games is 'this fall'.
The new area is called 'Shin-Oh' Area. The journey starts in Futaba Town (Cotyledon Town).
The Heroine weres a deep woven hat and pint boots and has a handbag in her arm, while the hero wears a red hat, has a rucksack on his back and a watch-like item on his arm.

Munchlax's ability is Thick Fat or Pickup, while Manyula's ability is Pressure.
Munchlax's signiture move is 'Swallow', which is used to restore its HP. And Manyula can learn Revenge.
The game scenes are 3D-like. Theere are high-low differences on the ground. There may be day/night again..(unconfirmed)
Old Pokemon in R/S/E and FR/LG can be transfered to Pokemon Diamond/Pearl using DS's double slot, once certain requirements are met in the D/P games.
Data translation thanks to PPK
Remember to check back here at PPN for all your latest Pokemon news and info, and we'll have more on Diamond and Pearl as soon as more info is released.
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