
Pokémon is a Hot Item!
Pokémon is still topping the charts world-wide. This time Pokémon Emerald was the top Selling GBA game of 2005, and #2 overall. It out ranked many good contentders.
Here is the top ten list from NPD group.
NPD Group: Top Selling Games in 2005
1. Madden NFL 06 (PS2)
2. Pokémon Emerald (GBA)
3. Gran Turismo 4 (PS2)
4. Madden NFL 06 (Xbox)
5. NCAA Footbal 06 (PS2)
6. Star Wars: Battlefront II (PS2)
7. MVP Baseball 2005 (PS2)
8. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (PS2)
9. NBA Live 06 (PS2)
10. LEGO Star Wars (PS2)
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