Now No Excuse To Do Homework!
Goodbye, 2005. And goodbye to the Kids WB weekday afternoon lineup, whose passing marks the end of something more than just watching Pokemon after school. Saturday airings are not affected.

Now all that is gone, as this is the final week you'll be able to find their kids shows running in the 3-5 p.m. Monday-Friday slot. Starting January 2, 2006, the lineup will be vintage episodes of ER, followed by two back-to-back episodes of 8 Simple Rules. (so sad..)
Fans of Pokemon and The Batman will not be amused, but those with cable in their homes will undoubtedly just tune WB out and look elsewhere for afterschool fun. For children whose parents budgets can't comfortably accommodate cable television, theres nowhere left to turn but the educator-approved afternoon offerings of PBS - YUK!
So say hello to 2006, a brave new TV world as long as you've got the bucks to enjoy it.
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