
Friday, September 30, 2005

nXt tcg

BELLEVUE, Wash. – September 30, 2005 – Pokémon USA, Inc., a worldwide leader in the trading card game industry, today announced the upcoming Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) EX Delta Species Prerelease tournaments. EX Delta Species Prerelease tournaments provide players the opportunity to preview and play with unreleased cards from the upcoming EX Delta Species expansion.EX Delta Species

Players to Participate in Exclusive Card Preview Tournaments

The Pokémon TCG Prerelease tournaments are held during the weekends of October 22nd and 23rd and October 29th and 30th. The official release date for the EX Delta Species expansion is October 31. Players are divided into three age categories: 10 and younger, 11 to 14, and 15 and older.

An admission fee of $20 per player is charged for entry and includes six booster packs of the Pokémon TCG EX Delta Species, from which each player will build his or her deck. All participants will receive a Pokémon TCG EX Delta Species Prerelease Promo card and an EX Delta Species pin, while supplies last. As a participation prize for completing the tournament, players will also receive four Pokémon TCG EX Delta Species booster packs and two POP Series Two 2-card booster packs. Pokémon Organized Play (POP) provides players the opportunity to succeed at an intellectual sport and build their Pokémon TCG skills, strategy, and creativity.

For more information or to find a tournament near you, please visit Pokémon TCG Orginized Play.com

Thursday, September 29, 2005


A special Pokémon XD Launch celebration will be taking place this weekend in New York on Sunday, October 2 at the Pokémon World Store at Rockefeller Plaza.
The activities are:

  • Buy Pokémon XD and get a free gide book.
  • Play XD.
  • Free Pokémon Cards.
  • Meet Pickacu and his car.
  • Watch new Pokémon episodes.
See you there, in going. I'll be waering a JRBnet pin. Talk to me. PokémonXD.com

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

劇場版ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション ミュウと波導の勇者 ルカリオ

With a release date of 22 December 2005, the latest Pokemon Movie, Mew and the Wave Guiding Hero - Rukario! is being offered for pre-sell on numerous Japanese websites.

Amazon.co.jp has it on sale for ¥3,343 (20% off normal price) with free delivery to Japanese addresses. If you would like to pre-order this DVD, check out the link to the right.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


The world's first Pokémon-themed amusement park, PokéPark 2005 closed last Sunday, after 192 days of operation starting March 18, 2005.PokéPark Logo

Pokémon theme park attracted more than 4 million, closes after 192 days in operation.

The number of visitors exceeded 4 million on September 22, far exceeding the original target of 3 million. On the final day, singer and voice actress for Satoshi, Matsumoto Rica performed live on stage as part of the farewell party.

There is thoughts circurlating around Japan that although the amusement park has closed here, taking into consideration the popularity implied by that 4 million figure, it is possible that another Pokémon theme park will be opened, somewhere...

Monday, September 26, 2005


No PokéNews Today.


Sunday, September 25, 2005


No PokéNews Today.


Saturday, September 24, 2005

nXt eP

格闘のドジョ! Ash対May!
Hand-To-Hand Fighting Dojo! Ash VS May!

The Evolutionary War!



シール付きポケモン壁掛けカレンダー 2006

Friday, September 23, 2005


Rule 16:
  • Keep it PG-13 or T.
  • No linking to your sute, these are NOT for advertising.
  • No trashing.
  • Pokémon only.
  • It's great you like my blog and will bookmark me, still NO advertising.
And so on..

So, you get it NONE of the above, or it will be deleted! Same with the tag board! If you advertise on this post, that's just plain stupid!

Thursday, September 22, 2005


No PokéNews Today.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Mr. Miyamoto creator of Mario, Zelda, Nintendogs and other Nintendo hits, will be signing autograths for the first 200 coustemers on September 25 from 11a to 1p. Everyone will recieve a special Mr. Miyamoto Nintendo DS skin as well! Call 646.459.0800 for further details.


New screenshots have been realeased for the new GameCube® game, Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness and its scheduled realease for October 3, 2005. Combining a steady RPG-story mode with 2-on-2 to 4-on-4 player action, and mysterious shoadow Pokémon lets you hook up your Emerald, L. Green, F. Red, and even Ruby and Sapphire games with the NCG-GBA link cable. (Which is most likely gatering dust by now!) The story goes that the legenday Pokémon, Lugia, has been turned into a shadow Pokémon and can not be purified! Using Lugia, the evil organization, Cipher, has stolen the Pokémon cargo ship, the S.S. Libra, to help complete their plan for world domination! You must save the shadow Pokémon from a life of evil and wreck Cipher’s plans before it’s too late! As Michael, the main character, you must seek to unravel the mystery behind Lugia. During the journey you will be helped by a lot of friends and fight against even more foes as they race against time to snag and purify the shadow Pokémon and save the world!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


The Epilepsy Foundation has issued new guidelines to help avoid rare cases of seizures triggered by flickering lights from TV and video games.

Video Games

  • Sit at least 2 feet away from the screen in a well-lit room.
  • Reduce the screen's brightness.
  • Don't let children play video games if they are tired.
  • Take frequent breaks and look away from the screen every once in a while.
  • Cover one eye while playing and regularly change which eye is covered.
  • Turn the game off if strange or unusual feelings develop.
    Read the full news release, HERE.

    Monday, September 19, 2005


    Here is the new trailer for the new Pokémon Game!:

    Sunday, September 18, 2005


    No PokéNews Today.


    Saturday, September 17, 2005


    These Are The Starting Pictures To The New Season Of Pokémon Advance Battle.

    P.M.:I hate my dog, he chewed my Pickachu Plush, I wan't to kill him! It went from mint to poor. This message goes out to Pickacu, I'll always love you, no matter how you are!